Thursday, April 6, 2017

E ~ Eve

  I think we all know that I go to home school group therefore, I shall  not elaborate further on that particular point, but what I do want to talk more about is the absolutely terrific fact that this May is when we have our play, I can't wait!

  I was very fortunate with my character and I got to be Eve. I was absolutely delighted, who doesn't want to be Eve (despite the whole forbidden fruit ordeal)?! My friend Wade plays the part of Adam, and all of my best friends play all the other roles closest to me, surely you must know how very fortunate I feel.

  Anyways, (Ryder tried to tell me that anyways is not a word, but I'm stubbornly persistent) I did not come here to ramble on and on about complete nonsense, I'll save that for later, no, my intent for today was to tell you the very best part about being Eve.

  I was absolutely ecstatic when one of my greatest dreams ever came true a few days ago, and it just happened to be relevant to my being Eve. The whole event began at that certain perfect moment that occurs occasionally in a person's life when nothing fantastic is happening but you're feeling completely content nonetheless.

  I had just finished walking past our front door when I glimpsed a flash of orange, some completely random dude was walking right across our porch seemingly intent upon reaching the door, naturally I freaked out, duh, I'm pretty skitterish (I think I invented that word) when random humans wander into my life. My leisurely meander past the door turned into a frantic rush to inform my Mum that some item of mortality was present on our porch. My Mum was properly alarmed, which I felt quite proud of, and we both minced towards the front door where that particular orange-clad young man was waiting impatiently, in fact, he might even have been tapping his foot. My Mum opened our peeling, white painted door and stepped out to greet the man. It was then that I realized he was holding a package and a ledger, apparently he was a man from a National Mail System, and Mum had to sign for a package from England, (that wasn't my dream but was pretty terrific nonetheless) and once he left I was in a complete tizzy when Mum announced I had gotten the dress I needed to play Eve.

  My feet flew down our narrow hallway as I rushed to try on my new dress. My breath left with a mesmerized whoosh as I pulled my dress out from its package. Yards of shimmery white velvet glimmered in the light as I uncovered my dream, a medieval gown. My heart sighed (if that's possible) when I discovered long lengths of chiffon that spilled out over the sleeves, a silken corded tassle served as the belt for the dress and I felt like an absolute princess as I glided out to show my Mum how it looked to be clothed in a dream.

1 comment:

  1. That dress sounds absolutely gorgeous! Have fun being Eve :)


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