Thursday, May 5, 2016

Favorite Thing Thursday

  So often I have written over and over again what some of my favorite things were. It is a bit exasperating trying to get my favorite things written down because to put it quite frankly, I have so many favorite things that to list them all in one post I'm afraid you would be at your computer all day long wondering when my post is ever going to come to an end.

  A few days ago I came across an idea that seemed superb in listing my favorites. Why not just focus on one of them each week?

  Today I will focus on just one of my favorite things.

  The Octopus Claw.

  My hair does not cooperate on most days and because of that I find having a claw nearby is most helpful. But there was one annoying thing about using a claw. The "gripping" part of the claw always managed to scratch my head. It was always a nuisance wanting to put your head on a pillow with having forgotten you were wearing a claw and being smacked firmly in the noggin by a persistent hair accessory.

  Several months ago my Mom purchased an Octopus claw for me, which is pretty much just a regular claw except that the "gripping" part of it is flattened so that it rests comfortably against my head. I was delighted and still am, no longer do I struggle with noggin knots and scalp scrapings.

1 comment:

  1. Cool beans! I love the idea of one favorite thing a week! My big claw broke a few years back and I have never found another really big one to buy. I've also been letting my hair curl naturally the past couple of years. So when I feel disgusted with mine, I've been twisting it, pinning it with a couple of bobby pins near the top in the back and letting the curl ends spill over. Some actually think it looks cute!
    Barbara, blogging at Life & Faith in Caneyhead


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