Wednesday, November 1, 2017

100 Questions ~ Part 3

51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? I have never had my picture taken by a photographer. But my parents, brother, and cousin are all considered photographers to me, and they've all taken my picture.

52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? I love musicals. Some are completely boring, but I've watched a good few that are wonderful, such as The Sound of Music.

53. Is Christmas stressful? No! Christmas is absolutely the best most joyful and cheerful holiday season ever.

54. Ever eat a pierogi? I'm actually not sure. If I haven't, then it's going on my food bucket list.

55. Favorite type of fruit pie? This one is easy, nothing is better than peach pie. Yum.

56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were kid? I wanted to be many different things, I had wanted to be a teacher, a maid, a storekeeper, a writer, and a chef.

57. Do you believe in ghosts? Ghosts as in blurry spirit people? No I don't. But I do believe there are spirits. Just not the whole "come back to haunt" deal.

58. Ever had a Deja-vu feeling? Oh yes, all the time. Some times it's for the simplest things, like smelling the same thing, other times it's for odd things, like when I picked up a book, saw the date of 1856 and had an odd deja-vu feeling. By the way, I was delighted when I found out that deja-vu literally means "already seen."

59. Do you take a vitamin daily? Yes I do.

60. Do you wear slippers? No I don't, and it's because of a very good reason. They disgust me to no end, and I'm not exactly sure why.

61. Do you wear a bath robe? I don't have one, so no. But I don't think I'd ever buy one either.

62. What do you wear to bed? Oversized shirts and pajamas.

63. What was your first concert? I don't remember who the people were, but when I lived in Missouri I attended a fourth of July festival of sorts and they had a concert there.

64. Walmart, Target, or Kmart? I have never been to Kmart orTarget, so Walmart. But I really want to go to Target before long, I have a feeling I'd love it.

65. Nike or Adidas? I might get into trouble for saying this, but I think that both are overrated.

66. Cheetos or Fritos? Mm, cheetos.

67. Peanuts or sunflower seeds? It seems that I've always loved peanut butter, but earlier this year I made my own sunflower butter (a.k.a sunbutter) and it was awful. I prefer peanuts.

68. Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? Um, no.

69. Ever take dance lessons? Not official ones, but I have had  friends come and all of my siblings and I paired up with them and danced the afternoon away.

70. Is there a profession you picture your spouse doing? Ack! I'm married?!!! Do tell me, who is this mysterious fellow?

71. Can you curl your tongue? No I can't. It seems my lot in life does not include being able to do any of those little weird things, I can't snap my fingers, blow decent bubbles with gum,whistle, make the rumbley r sounds, etc.

72. Ever won a spelling bee? No I haven't, but I would love to. It would be such fun to say, "Hey, have you met my bee? It looks ordinary, but it can spell!"

73. Have you ever cried because you were happy? Yes, I basically cry at any emotion. Watching the "Return of the King" ending had me in tears, even though they were happy.

74. Own any record albums? No I don't.

75. Own a record player? Again ... no.

1 comment:

  1. Well, now. I seldom wear slippers, except in the absolute dead of winter. I wear a housecoat, simply because what I wear to bed cannot be seen by anyone but my husband.

    I wanted to be a nurse, a teacher, or a ballerina when I was growing up. My mother gave me absolutely NO encouragement at all. Instead I married right out of high school; don't do that, even if you think you know exactly what you want.


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