Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. When and where were the best fireworks you've ever seen? Speaking of you know your hot buttons? The things people can say and/or do to set you off? When was the last time someone pushed one of your hot buttons?

  I think I might have been either nine or ten when I last saw any fireworks. They had been at the Pirates Game in Pittsburgh. The funny thing is, the only thing I remember about that game is sitting in a very comfortable seat and feeling cozy with my water bottle in front of me. And I remember that one of the camera men walked up the side aisle close by me, and then of course the amazing fireworks display after the game.

  I don't get really annoyed often, but something that gets me every time is when people say mean things about others right behind their backs and then act nice to their faces. The last time I witnessed such a thing was probably a few months ago, and I was strikingly furious (not literally, I'm not a naturally violent person.)

2. Have you hosted any outdoor summer parties this year? Attended any? What makes for a great outdoor party?

  I have not hosted an outdoor party but I have attended one, it was a graduation party and I wouldn't say it was utterly fantastic, it wasn't horrible, don't get me wrong, but it had been 86 degrees so I was sweltering, and I was sitting on tree roots while eating lunch and was terrorized by giant ants.

  What makes for a great outdoor party is nice weather, good food, and fun people.

3. What does freedom mean to you?

  Freedom means a lot to me, both spiritually and physically. I think that as a Christian, even though our rights are being diminished, absolutely no one can destroy our freedom to serve God, to love Him, and to worship Him.

  Physically though, freedom means not wearing shoes, or socks. I always think that my feet are suffocating when I have to wear socks, and shoes are simply added torture.

4. July is National Cell Phone Courtesy month...what annoys you most about people's cell phone habits?

  Oh my, I have a long list of these, but to keep it short... I hate it when I'm making a true effort to talk to someone and they're so busy on their phones that they ignore me completely. And I don't like it when people think that phones can be part of the conversation, or even the subject of a conversation. Also, I think it is only good manners to respond to a text as soon as you get it, or an email, or anything of the sort. It annoys me terribly when I work hard on responding to someone, and then they don't or send a one word reply.

5. What's your current summer anthem?

  I do not have a Summer Anthem. Unless you count the sound of the birds singing, timers ringing, laughter, shrieks of terror (in games like tag, and water fights) the sound of the fans humming, trucks whizzing down the road, kittens meowing, I'm sure you get it.

6.  Insert your own random thought here. 

  Once again it has been such a while since I've blogged. But I think you might like to know that I am indeed living the Summer of my dreams. I get to wear pajamas while eating granola, and journal, read, and have a blast, just by being lazy (only in part, Summer doesn't eliminate chores.)

Join other Hodgepodgers here.


  1. Your summer sounds just lovely! I'm very, very jealous. That's how I pictured at least part of my summer, but now that it's halfway over, I'm gearing up for the new school year already!
    I am sooo with you on the cell phones: my sons drive me crazy when they don't respond to texts! Even just an "ok" would suffice!

  2. Your summer sounds amazing so far! I think I need to be more mindful of appreciating my time.


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