Saturday, January 20, 2018


 Today..... Saturday, January 20, 2018

Looking out my window..... I see a bunch of brown grass showing in the field across the road, and quite a few cows standing around and chewing their cud.

I am thinking.....  That Saturdays are the perfect days to spend journaling.

I am thankful.....  For catalogs with hand-drawn pictures like this one.

One of my favorite things..... Is the paper trimmer my Mum bought last year during the back to school sale. I use it so often, no more crooked lines for me!

I am wearing.....  A sea-foam-green shirt, and cream colored skirt with mauve flowers.

I am creating.....  A new junk journal. I'm still using my old one, but it's rapidly being filled and it's about time I make a new one.

I am reading..... Like usual, a nutrition book. As of today, I am reading "The Happiness Diet", it's a very good book and I love all the history they give on various "foods", take Crisco for example.

I am hoping.....  That my family will still be in good health for tomorrow so that we can go to church. Sicknesses in the Winter are so unpredictable that I'm never certain that our plans shall go unaffected.

I am learning.....  How to make a journal cover that isn't warped, or weak, or lopsided. I believe the journal I'm working on now is my eighth (?).

In the kitchen.....  A pan of blueberry lemon cupcakes are cooling before I can go frost them.

Picture thought..... Just looking at my journaling supplies makes me happy.

1 comment:

  1. I also hope you are all well enough to go to church. Both The Squire and I have some sort of "Bubonic Cold", and in self-imposed quarantine. Our rector will come over after church to bring us Communion.


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