Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What would you say is your strongest sense? 

  Probably smell, sure, it would be fun to say I could see twice the length of any human, and hear twice the distance of everyone, but the truth is that my strongest sense is smell. My nose seems to be able to pick up the slightest smells and intensify them. It's all fine and dandy when I smell popcorn, but skunks? Torture.

2. Do you believe in the idea of a 'sixth sense'? Why or why not?

  Oh, definitely. The reason why is simple really, I believe everybody has certain capabilities that they might not even be aware of but still possess.

3. When do you most feel like a slave to time? Explain.

  Everyday towards evening it's crunch time for me to get all of  my day's plans wrapped up. The answer to your question is every evening.

4. Have you ever worked in a restaurant? How would you rate the experience? If you could own a restaurant what kind would it be? 

  I have never worked in a restaurant (though I used to want to be a waitress when I was younger.) If I could own a restaurant it would be french. But not just your average filet mignon and souffles, no, I would have the quaintest delights from France gracing the tables at my restaurant.

5. Ever traced your family tree? Share something interesting you learned there.

  I have not ever traced my family tree but my Mom and Dad say my ancestors came from Germany and Switzerland.

6. What did your childhood bedroom look like?

  Ah! Boy I miss that room! It was a rather large bedroom compared to the room I have now. It had white walls,  a bunk bed Diane and I shared, and a spacious walk in closet. Along the line of decorations I don't think we had any. Did I care? Of course not. I was far more concerned about taking care of my little doll Katie Lynn than I was about how many knick-knacks adorned my bedroom wall.

7. Anyone who knows me knows I love_______________________?

  This is awful, how can I possibly choose only one thing for the allotted blank! LOTR, would be one thing, owls would be another, crochet is yet another, and the list could honestly go on for several more paragraphs before I'm done here.

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

  I'm excited because last weekend my Grandma taught me how to crochet her famous bib and baby bootie set! Since arriving home from our visit I have filled my room with tons of yarn fuzz from the heaps of pom poms I have been making to add to the little booties. You know, I hadn't realized you could get callouses from making pom poms!


  1. I'd like to visit your little restaurant if you ever have one!

  2. Your little French restaurant sounds delightful and one I would surly enjoy visiting.

  3. I love the description of your room and your little dolly Katie Lynn! Have a great day! Fun reading your Hodgepodge today, thank you!

  4. It's certainly better to have many things you love, rather than being a person who loves nothing at all and is bored all the time. That would be a shame, wouldn't it. Life is interesting. I enjoyed your Hodgepodge today. :-)

  5. You might enjoy my daughter's french drawings she started a few months ago. Not just a french eatery, it's everything french for her: Keep enoying all life has to offer you!


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